The upside is so much fun. The downside is painful. Been here a while though, getting used to it.

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I really enjoy reading your thoughts on altcoins, bull/bear market analysis etc.

What is your strategy to buy altcoins? I am not referring to which altcoins to buy but how many, how much do you invest per coin, when do you (plan to) sell?

I have a rigorous approach, where I aim at maximizing the likelihood of getting a 1000x return while protecting my risk in case everything is lost.

I have written about this line of thought here, would highly appreciate your feedback:


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Hey Daniel! You can see my portfolio strategy here: https://cryptoiseasy.substack.com/p/my-portfolio-strategy#details

TL;DR I set a fixed amount to each in USD terms and raise my allocation equally when I put more money in. Regardless of market conditions or price, the USD value is always the same. These are not part of my financial plan, but the ones that do well I will move into my financial plan. I only sell when the investment thesis fails or the project dies -- in other words, $0 or infinity, mostly up 10-20x, down 90%, up 10-20x, down 90%, repeat and hopefully adding to the allocations on the way down or before the next zoom. Stake/lock/bond/etc when possible, and I have a few ETH pairs in liquidity pools on Demex and Uniswap.

I read your article. I control for risk differently but similar general concept -- small allocations, let the winners run (add when you get a good opportunity), write off the losers for 20-35% tax break, sell only when you have to.

What's your plan for finding a 1,000x altcoin?

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