Hey Mark, I love the idea to put crypto into actual use. I funded my wallet on the optimism chain because it has low gas fees, but it was only a lucky accident since I didn't know it is the appropriate chain for the NFT. Was that noted anywhere? Anyway, it worked out well. I also wasn't fully aware whether or not my wallet supports Optimism. I consider myself digitally experienced, though I think the process might be difficult for some. I also think everyone should learn how to use these things.

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Thank you Peter! It took me a little while to get to this.

Yes, it seems everything in crypto is difficult, hopefully people will come up with something better. I really appreciate the support!

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Nice idea with Mirror but a bit too expensive I think (for a test). One drawback is that I use different browsers to read stuff but only have metamask + optimism in one of them.

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Yes, I can see that limits you. Good to know. Had you used Mirror before?

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